A Mother's Faith
A woman that is slow to anger, gives when she has very little and does not judge others but simply loves- one such woman is my mother-in-law, but I like to call her mom.  She has a beautiful soul and holds an Angelique presence.  More beautiful than flowers, her favorite is the Crocus.

She is the mother of 15 children, grandmother to countless, wife, daughter and respected elder of the White Shield community.  After millions of pounds of flour for fresh bread, trials and tribulations, her never doubting, devout faith in God is a true example to all how to live a pure life and to have faith during the “seasons of the crocus” & the “seasons of the drought and weeds”- she is a blessing.  My husband recalls when he was a little boy, walking into her room as she was kneeling at the foot of her bed in prayer and feeling the presence of a power greater than he & his mother.

The Scherenschnitte adds another dimension and fills the shape of the Crocus with a lace-like appeal.  Within the paper cutting are crosses to symbolize mom’s deep faith, which I have chose to highlight with gold paint.  The paper cutting is exciting for me because it’s enjoyable and tells the viewer more about my heritage, Pennsylvania Dutch; my people lived along the Rhine River in Germany and chose Pennsylvania to make their new home because the landscape was so much like the Old Country.